Setup 1Gabba Real Time Downloader


  1. Rapid Gator Premium Account [Rapid Gator Signup](

  2. Docker installed and running [Docker Website](

  3. Docker-compose installed (optional) [Docker Compose](

Step by step configuration:

  1. Be sure you have an Rapid Gator Premium account. If you don’t have one, use this link to create one; [Rapid Gator Signup](

  2. Be sure you have Telegram installed on your phone, tablet or computer [Get Telegram](

  3. Configure your Telegram Bot to receive media rich meta data based on ID3 tag and the release cover (if available) [Setup](telegrambot.html)

  4. Move config-example to config [Setup](1gabba-rtd-config.html)

  5. Edit the docker-compose.yml file (optional) [Setup](docker-compose.html)

  6. Run docker-compose up (optional) [Setup](start-1gabba-rtd.html)